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Meet Our July Resident of the Month!

at Renaissance Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center

Say hello to Lebert Tapper, our Resident of the Month.

Mr. Lebert Tapper was born in Spanish Town, Jamaica.  When asked about his name, he said that his parents, Hubert and Emma, created the name, combining “Lee” and “Albert.”  Mr. Tapper shared that the family was very poor, eking out a day-to-day living.  His mother died when he was young and his father had difficulty finding gainful employment.   

Mr. Tapper’s first job was herding goats after school, taking them from one field to another through the city streets.  The goats knew him and would run towards him while excitedly bleating in greeting. They also knew their way home by heart, taking every turn until arriving at their destination.  Mr. Tapper followed his wife to the U.S. in the 1980s when he was in his 40s, saying, “In America it easier to find a job than in Jamaica.  Here there is a chance to become rich through work.”  

After retiring, he enjoyed traveling to England and his adopted city of Philadelphia. For anyone planning a trip to Jamaica, he highly recommends visiting the cities of Kingston and Spanish Town and sampling the traditional Jamaican meal of curried goat with rice and peas.